
Let Go

They say that, at some point, you just learn to let go . But, I must disagree.Why? If it just takes one moment to let go, then you never really held on tightly enough. To a dream. To a goal. To a place. To a person. To anything. I believe that you let go little by little. You let go a little, then hold back on, but with a little less force until you fully release yourself. And the tighter you hold on, the more force you let go with. The deeper you dive, the higher you'll fly. The closer you get, the further you'll pull away. The weaker you feel, the stronger you'll become. So, do not be ashamed of your own weaknesses. We all have them. You must learn to be kind to yourself. You must learn to understand yourself. You must believe in yourself. Never think that you are a bad person. Never. Differentiate betwwen your self-worth and your actions. To say that you are bad is different than saying that you made a mistake. Guess what? You can't fix yourself

Another chapter of my life in South Korea ( Student Exchange Program)

“Time flies so fast…” It almost feels like as if it was just yesterday when I was on my own on a plane not really knowing what to expect but excited for what the future had for me. Now I'm back home with a ton of memories and a lot of stories to share. I don't even know where to start now that I'm writing about my experience of being an exchange student in Gumi, South Korea for one semester. International student welcoming party. This is my team LOL Well, I’ve the determination to study abroad since I was in my high school. I applied many study abroad programs with scholarship and attended many interviews for this program. Unfortunately, I am not qualified because I did not pass the interviews.   However, that didn’t stop my dream to study abroad, so I applied for the UTM Mobility Program under my home university, so that I can experience of living somewhere else for a while and having friends from another country would be the coolest thing in the world. T

Behave absolutely different

Pizza... always confuses us. It comes in a square box. When you open the box, its round. Then, when you start eating it, it’s triangle! Our life and people around us are also like Pizza, some of them might be good for today but not for tomorrow and people that we dislike the most might be one of our best companion. Who knows. Never judge a book by it’s cover Look different, appear different.

A time of transition

Lots of people feel anxious, scared, or excited about school. Although students who are coming back as seniors may be happy they’re in their final year and can’t wait to visit with friends, most freshmen or new kids are likely to be tense or worried.     After a holiday of sleeping in or doing things on your mine, the bell announcing that the first day of school can be rude awakening.  Whether you’re an anxious new freshmen or a confident senior (just like me), heading back to school signals a time of transition: new classes, new teachers, new schedules and new social scene.    Dread it or love it, you have got to school. Here are some ways to make the transition from the holidays to school a little easier. EMOTION    Here’s a simple equation: NEW PLACE NEW EMOTIONS . Lots of people feel anxious, scared, or excited about school. Although students who are coming back as seniors may be happy they’re in their final year and can’t wait to visit with friends, most freshmen o

What do I expect for this 2013?

Hello! How's life? I mean your's 2012. Good? Bad? Either it's good or bad or so-so, I do believe everyone of us have been missed their story in 2012. We're just stepped out from 2012 for the past 5 days ago. For students, they have to continue on studying and so on. For me, 2012 have been a great year for me. It was the year where I meet new friends, my yeojachingu , solving problems, learnt new subjects, enjoys and etc. So, what do I expect from this 2013?, the year of Snake. Well, I just expect more than the past 2012. I do believe everyone wants more and more and more. Wishing here and wishing there, praying here and there, looking up for their future, that's would be the peculiar stuffs to do whenever you leave the year. BACK-BACK TO THE SCHOOL  Since 2013 will be my last year studying in Sm. Saint Anthony (place where I study for 5 years along), I expect to do very very very well in my study . What an outrageous spirit, Sem! This year I'll sit for my